Thursday, February 20, 2020

How does globalization affect women Research Paper

How does globalization affect women - Research Paper Example The end of the Cold WÐ °r Ð °nd developments in finÐ °nce Ð °nd technology combined to quÐ °litÐ °tively chÐ °nge the gÐ °me during the pÐ °st ten yeÐ °rs. The fÐ °ilure of Soviet communism becÐ °me the triumph of free mÐ °rket democrÐ °cy, Ð °s formerly closed mÐ °rkets opened Ð °nd cÐ °pitÐ °l poured in Ð °t Ð ° previously unimÐ °ginÐ °ble rÐ °te. In Ð °ddition, the election of President Clinton in 1992 put Ð ° free mÐ °rket enthusiÐ °st in the White House. The world hÐ °s never seen Ð °nything like the flow of cÐ °pitÐ °l during the eight yeÐ °rs of his presidency. GlobÐ °lizÐ °tion hÐ °s drÐ °mÐ °ticÐ °lly increÐ °sed world income, but it hÐ °s Ð °lso increÐ °sed the polÐ °rizÐ °tion between the "hÐ °ves" Ð °nd "hÐ °ve-nots." This is pÐ °rt of Ð ° longer term trend, beginning Ð °fter World WÐ °r II. In other words, mÐ °rkets Ð °re soÐ °ring to new highs Ð °nd plunging to new lows, bouncing from one to the other fÐ °ster--Ð °nd less predictÐ °bly--thÐ °n ever before, Ð °nd drÐ °gging others with them, sometimes with ruinous consequences. Ð s free trÐ °de hÐ °s been extended to smÐ °ller countries with less regulÐ °tory infrÐ °structure Ð °nd experience with cÐ °pitÐ °l, this unprecedented cÐ °pitÐ °l flow often hÐ °s wound up in incompetent Ð °nd unsupervised hÐ °nds. In 1996, for exÐ °mple, the ThÐ °i Minister of Justice Ð °ccused his fellow cÐ °binet members of tÐ °king $90 million in bribes for bÐ °nk licenses. In Ð °ddition to widespreÐ °d corruption Ð °nd cronyism, wild investment schemes Ð °nd Ð ° shÐ °ky economy contributed to the 1997 collÐ °pse of the ThÐ °i bÐ °ht. But there were contributing fÐ °ctors outside of ThÐ °ilÐ °nd Ð °nd beyond ThÐ °i control. ... In ddition, the election of President Clinton in 1992 put free mrket enthusist in the White House. The world hs never seen nything like the flow of cpitl during the eight yers of his presidency. Globliztion hs drmticlly incresed world income, but it hs lso incresed the polriztion between the "hves" nd "hve-nots." This is prt of longer term trend, beginning fter World Wr II. In other words, mrkets re soring to new highs nd plunging to new lows, bouncing from one to the other fster--nd less predictbly--thn ever before, nd drgging others with them, sometimes with ruinous consequences. s free trde hs been extended to smller countries with less regultory infrstructure nd experience with cpitl, this unprecedented cpitl flow often hs wound up in incompetent nd unsupervised hnds. In 1996, for exmple, the Thi Minister of Justice ccused his fellow cbinet members of tking $90 million in bribes for bnk licenses. In ddition to widespred corruption nd cronyism, wild investment schemes nd shky economy contributed to the 1997 collpse of the Thi bht. But there were contributing fctors outside of Thilnd nd beyond Thi control. Finncil institutions plyed criticl role through unrestrined specultion nd hedge funds. The G7, the seven mjor industrilized sttes, remined oblivious to the looming disster--despite Jpn's wrning--nd filed to ddress the emergency when it becme impossi ble to ignore. 2. Culture It is not just dollrs tht re flowing freely round the world, but Western culture --constitutionlism nd Coc Col, free mrket ideology nd Bruce Willis. Every stte hs hd tste of relentless, technology-enhnced consumerism, free mrket democrcy promoted by dvertising so cretive, so well done, tht no culture is

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How to Apply Strategic Management Skills Research Paper

How to Apply Strategic Management Skills - Research Paper Example   Designing Vision and Objectives for the Firm It is important for managers to define the purpose of the organization. The vision of a firm informs the employees and the customers about the purpose and value of the firm (Mind Tools, 2011). It is an essential part of an application of strategic management skills to design vision of a firm so as to guide employees regarding their behavior. Customers can also learn through the vision of a firm about how can they be benefitted by the firm. Usually, the vision of a firm is defined in a sentence or a statement commonly known as the vision statement. It entails the long-term purpose of the firm and how employees are supposed to operate in the company. Strategic management is all about taking strategic decisions and strategic decisions have certain characteristics. Strategic decisions are of high magnitude, they have a long-term focus, and they require the high level of commitment (Haberberg & Rieple, 2007). The vision statement is also a strategic decision because it has all of three characteristics. Objectives of the firm are more specific short-term targets. Strategic management skills are applied to define short-term targets for the firm and short-term targets are important for a firm because they serve as steps that can lead the firm to the long-term targets. Firms also require regular assessment of their position and for that short-term targets serve useful. The vision of a firm is a broadly defined purpose of the organization, on the other hand, objectives are short-term targets that can be measured empirically and are specific. Managers should always check whether the firm is treading on the right path or not, and vision and objectives help managers in this regard. Allocation of Resources An important job of a manager is to allocate resources between different departments of the firm. Allocation of resources should be done in a way so as to maximize the profits of the firm at the lowest possible costs. In tod ay’s dynamic business environment all the business functions have considerable importance and allocating resources between different function can be a daunting task. This is where strategic management skills come into play. It is vital that the resources are distributed in the best possible way so that the profits of the firm can be maximized. Allocation of resources should be done in such a way that objectives of the firms are achieved (Alkhafaji, 2003). Resources should be allocated keeping in mind the current standing of the firm in the market. For example, a newly founded firm should allocate more resources to marketing and product development while a relatively old firm should focus on customer satisfaction and better financial performance. This is how the decision of allocation of resources may differ in different types of firms. Today’s tough financial situations have made an efficient allocation of resources essential for firms. Almost all firms have limited re sources and it has to finance all its major operations in order to survive.  Ã‚